Safety policy

Safety Control system

1. Safety policy statement
2. Strategic Plan of Implementation
3. Responsibilities

Safety meetings

4. Pre-job Meeting
5. Start Job Meeting
6. Safety Meeting

Safety Inspection

7. Employee Routine Inspection
8. Safety inspection

Personal Protective Equipment

9. General
10. Foot Protection
11. Head Protection
12. Eye Protection
13. Hand and Body Protection
14. Full body Harness, safety belts
15. Hearing Protection

Fire Hazard & Prevention

16. Storage Area
17. House Keeping
18. Fire Protection
19. Fire Extinguisher


MAR Saudi Arabia Contracting Company Ltd recognized the importance of an effective safety policy and system program to protect the well being of each employee, client and public.

MAR Saudi Arabia Contracting Company Ltd is committed to provide employees with safe and healthful working condition, sufficient safety training, materials and equipment, perform work safely, company with the Saudi Construction Safety and relevant instruction, occupational Safety and Health Act and other applicable industrial Standards.

Strategic Plan of Implementation

  • Integration of Safety to Behavior-Based Safety
  • Conducting a program of safety and health inspection/audits to find unsafe working conditions or practices. Initiate action to control hazards and to comply fully with safety standards for every job. Assigning responsibilities to all employees, from Managers to Craftsmen.
  • Training Employee in good safety and health practices.
  • Providing necessary personal protective equipment and instruction for its use and care.
  • Providing mechanical and physical safeguards to maximum extent possible.
  • Developing and enforcing safety and health rules and requiring employee to cooperate with these rules as a condition of employment.


The company recognizes that the responsibility for safety and health are shared “Safety is the Responsibility of Everybody”. In Behavior-Based Safety, an employee is responsible for his safety and his worker.


Pre-job meeting

The Project Manager, safety supervisor, and other key personnel should meet to discuss loss prevention. Job layouts, plans, and schedules should be studied to determine safety requirement. In the event that the nature of job involve the probability of damage to adjacent property, if should be decided whether or not a survey of the adjoining property should be made prior to the start of work. Precaution and procedures should be established.

Start of Job Meeting

Supervisory personal assigned to the job should confer as soon as practical, review initial planning, discuss any condition changes and accordingly, after safety plans. Further, it should be determined that procurement of safety needs has been provided for that safety policies and proceeded amicable to the work are reviewed and that authority and responsibility have been clarified.

Safety Meeting

Safety meeting should be held regularly, the safety supervisor will contact meeting .the topics to be discussed are selected and related to the safety program and hazard son the job. Duration of the safety meeting should be 30 minutes safety lectures and 30 minutes discussion. A report on the safety meeting will be prepared. A copy of minutes will be made available at threw contractor’s on site office.


Employee Routine Inspections

Employee routine inspections are not scheduled. It is a part of employee’s daily activity. Any employee shall from time to time contact routine safety inspection in his work area, and ensure a safe working environment. Whenever an employee’s will notice any unusual condition, that in his understanding will produce an accident, he will correct the situation, he it is within his responsibility and /or capability. Other ways, he writes on the unsafe logbook and informs his supervisor or foreman for immediate corrective action. He will give copy to the site engineer and /or the safety manager for information and /or action.

Safety Inspection

  • Inspection shall be done in a systematic sequence in order not to disrupt the project’s operation.
  • During inspection, observes will not safety defect on the report sheet with the point / items to be observed, if the finding shows that the item/points discovered are unsatisfactory, appropriate comments /recommendations will be reported.
  • All job sites will be regularly inspected. Any gaps will be rectified and reported.


a) General

It is the responsibility of both the supervisor and the employee to see that equipment is available and is used in every case where the nature of the work being performed indicates the end for such equipment.

The care of these safety equipments is primarily the employee’s responsibility.

b) Foot Protection

  • All employees whose job may involve foot hazard wear appropriate safety shoes
  • Supervisors shall initiate the issuance of safety shoes for employees under their jurisdiction and shall make sure that employee wear them.

c) Head Protection

Approved type safety hat (hard hats) shall be worn by all employees while engaged in construction and maintenance work, and in area with posted “hard hat area” warning sign. Hard hats will wear at all times on the job site. This includes Visitors.

  • The physical characteristics of the hard hat shall not be altered in any form or manner, as this will reduce the protective strength of the safety hat.
  • No safety hat shall have accessories that are electrically conductive.
  • All safety hats shall pass the minimum requirements set forth by American national standard (ANSI).

d) Eye Protection

Eye and face protection should be worn when warranted by the exposure. Safety glasses are recommended in all circumstances there is an exposure to flying particles. Side shields offer additional protection.

e) Hand and Body Protection

Appropriate protective equipment shall be worn by employees for protection against heat, flame, hot metal, and radiation, chemical or against abrasion, wherever applicable.

f) Full body harness, Safety belts and Life lines

Body harness shall be used for works on heights, where fall restraining and arresting protection are required. Safety belts are used to restrain the wearer at his place of work. Body belts will only be acceptable as part of positioning devices. Studies have proven that body belts can cause back injuries and create the possibility of workers falling of the belt. The new rule requires the use of full body harness with centered “D” ring that is attached in the back for safety line attachment to all arrest equipment

  • Employees working with both on scaffolding or platforms 20ft. or more above ground shall be equipped and protected by a full body harness attached to a lifeline.
  • Safety belts and straps shall be used at height of four feet or more on poles, towers, or other structures.
  • Full body harness, life line, safety belts, and lanyards shall be used only for employees safe guarding from falls.

Full body harness, life line lines found to have signs of abrasions or cut shall be taken out of service immediately.

g) Hearing protection

Hearing protection shall be worn during helicopter trips and in all places where the noise level exceed 85 dBA, or as posted areas requiring hearing protection.

Fire Hazard & Prevention

a) Storage Areas

  1. In Job site locations where storage facility or space is assigned, personnel shall strictly observe the following personnel shall strictly observe the following.
  2. Storage areas should have adequate space for storage of construction materials, equipment, and tools.
  3. Storage area should be cleaned at regular intervals
  4. Materials shall be kept in designated place, properly arranged, marked and identified in a manner that they could be easily located to facilitate easier loading and unloading.

House Keeping

A high standard of house keeping should be implemented during construction work. Good house keeping is an important of an accident prevention program. The following should be strictly followed

  1. Working areas, access ways, stairways, and scaffold platforms should be kept free of obstructions.
  2. Tools and material should be kept in their boxes or on designated containers. They should be segregated according to kind.
  3. Electrical cable, welding cable and pipes and other materials should be properly arranged so they do not become a tripping hazard.

Safety trash cans with closing lids should be provided in several convenient locations, and especially where oily waste is produced. Trash cans should be properly emptied regularly.